Ablakwa Urges Government to Act: North Tongu MP Calls for Immediate Relief for Flood Victims.

By Kekeli K. Blamey

Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, has voiced concern over the delayed compensation for hundreds of victims affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage in the three Tongu districts. Nearly ten months after the catastrophic floods devastated homes, farms, and businesses, the victims are still awaiting full compensation from the government.

In an address to the Chiefs and Queen mothers of Tongu at Juapong on Saturday, Mr. Ablakwa underscored the importance of upholding the fundamental human rights of the affected individuals. He highlighted the dire conditions many residents are enduring, with some still living in tents at Degorme, one of the camps in the North Tongu district. Farmers who lost their crops and residents whose homes were submerged remain uncompensated.

Mr. Ablakwa’s office recently uncovered a letter from the Volta River Authority (VRA) indicating plans for a controlled spillage in the coming weeks. He stressed the urgency of developing an emergency preparedness plan, implementing alternative drainage measures, and engaging with Chiefs, political leaders, and other relevant stakeholders to prevent a repeat of last year’s disaster.

The MP revealed that his legal team is working to collect data and verify the properties lost, aiming to pursue rightful compensation from the VRA. He also called on the government to reconstruct the damaged Sayikope steel bridge, which collapsed on January 26. The bridge’s collapse has severely disrupted socio-economic activities and posed significant risks to school children and pregnant women who must now use boats to cross to Adidome.

Mr. Ablakwa’s appeal highlights the ongoing struggles of the flood victims and the need for prompt government action to address their plight and prevent future incidents.

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