Ashanti Region Records Five Cholera Cases

By: Deborah Amewoyi

The Ashanti Region have confirmed five cholera cases in three different districts in the region.

Reports has it that, out of 28 suspected cases, The Sekyere district recorded 3 cases whilst Kumasi and Bekwai districts recorded one case each.

Due to outbreak records in the Central Region, Greater Accra and Western Region earlier this year, health authorities are now on the watch for cholera cases and are putting measures in place to ensure more people are not affected.

In essence, the Ashanti Regional health directorate has summoned the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), environmental officers at both regional and district levels, water and sanitation, metropolitan health directors and all other stake holders to address issues following the outbreak in the region.

Meanwhile, the homes of all cases have been disinfected and patients have been discharged with no fatalities recorded.

In summary, over 100 cholera cases have been recorded this year leading to 15 fatalities. Health authorities have put measures in place to sensitize the entire public about the infection in order curb the spread of the disease.

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