Gunfire Erupts Between Police and Customs Officials at Bawku Checkpoint Over Smuggling Dispute

By: Emmanuel Amoah

A violent confrontation erupted at the Missiga Immigration Service checkpoint in Bawku on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, involving personnel from the Ghana Police Service and Customs officials.

The clash reportedly began when police officers obstructed Customs officials from inspecting a truck suspected of carrying smuggled cocoa beans bound for Togo. Customs officials insisted on investigating the vehicle, leading to a tense standoff with the police.

The situation quickly escalated into an exchange of gunfire between the two security agencies, necessitating intervention from military personnel to help de-escalate the conflict.

Footage from the incident captures the moment verbal altercations escalated into violence, with gunfire ringing out at the checkpoint. The rapid exchange of shots sent bystanders and other officials fleeing for safety.

For several minutes, the checkpoint descended into chaos as police and Customs exchanged fire, raising alarming questions about interagency coordination among government bodies responsible for securing Ghana’s borders.

Cocoa smuggling remains a significant issue, with traffickers often attempting to evade taxes and duties by illegally transporting goods across borders, particularly to neighboring countries like Togo and Ivory Coast.

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