Health Benefits of Watermelon Seeds.

By: Deborah Amewoyi

“When you swallow the seeds of a fruit, it’ll grow in your stomach.” Most of us used to hear these spooky claims a lot and I am sure that prevented us from consuming medically healthy fruit seeds growing up.

Previous research has proven that accidentally swallowing seeds does not cause any harm to the human body. The acids produced by the stomach destroy any chance of seed germination in the stomach.

Moreover, the seeds in the stomach do not have access to the necessary conditions for germination to occur; moisture, appropriate temperature, sunlight, and minerals which the stomach does not produce.

Having cleared this doubt, some essentially healthy fruit seeds need to be consumed to regulate the body’s processes. The watermelon fruit is one of the common fruits whose seeds when eaten perform a variety of health functions in the human body.

  1. Reduces Risks of Stroke: Eating watermelon seeds reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke due to healthy fats contained in the seeds.
  2. Healthy bones: Aside from chicken and fish which are generally known for providing the body with calcium, Watermelon seeds also contain an amount of calcium which builds up the human bones and teeth when eaten.
  3. Prevents Constipation: Eating watermelon melon seeds enables bowel movements due to the fiber and unsaturated fats in the seeds.
  4. Healthy hair: Eating watermelon seeds supplies the body with nutrients such as; protein, iron, zinc, and copper which prevents hair loss whilst strengthening the human hair.
  5. Boost the immune system: The presence of zinc in the seeds of watermelon strengthens the human body cells to fight against infections and diseases.

Consuming fruits and seeds has numerous medicinal purposes for the human body, Henceforth, after eating the fiber from watermelons, the seeds can also be chewed for the above health benefits.

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