By: Deborah Amewoyi
Iraq’s parliament has passed a law that reduces the legal marriage age of a girl to 9 years old as part of their personal status law.
A CNN report has revealed that “The amendments give Islamic courts increased authority over family matters, including marriage, divorce and inheritance.”
Supporters of the changes, mainly conservative Shiite lawmakers, argue that they are necessary to align Iraqi law with Islamic principles and to lessen the influence of Western culture on Iraq.
According to the shiite law makers, they believe these adjustments are crucial for maintaining cultural integrity and reinforcing traditional values in the face of globalization.
The country’s personal status law which allows for child marriage was amended with the general amnesty law and a land restitution law.
In a significant move, A women’s right activist, Intisar al-Mayal believes the passage of the law is a violation of the right of female children “will leave disastrous effects on the rights of women and girls, through the marriage of girls at an early age, which violates their right to life as children, and will disrupt the protection mechanisms for divorce, custody and inheritance for women” she elaborated.
Source : CNN